I have come to the blunt realization that although I want to spend time in the morning in God's word, there would have to be about a pot of coffee pumping through my system before I am awake enough to process His amazing revelations and promises. So in second place, Francis Chan podcasts. Reaching down to flip open my laptop I click on his latest sermon called "Holy Anguish". Now with a title like that I should have realized this wasn't a "Jesus loves you and the whole world" sermon, but in typical Francis style I was quickly waken from grogginess peering wide eyed at my Mac which was spewing forth much needed truth.
It never fails to amaze me how when God wants to tell you something, you will hear it. Whether it's from sermons at church, friends, podcasts, books, anything... it's a reoccuring theme in my life. I feel tugging on my heart and i'm like THAT can't be God, that's not comfortable or where I'm at right now. Wait a minute. that probably IS God because I wouldn't think something up like that for myself. Oh wait, I'm hearing the same thing everrrrywhere. Yup definitely God. It's like He is sending holy lightning bolts to my heart, whaPAH, whaPAH!
Yesterday I was having a pow wow with my mentor Malia, who, PS, is honestly an incredible woman of God at Goldy's (PS a killer restaurant).
"Audrey, how is your heart", the classic catalyst question that is at the forefront of every great conversation.
"Well Malia, I want to grow, to be stretched and to experience God's power in my life".
Famous last words. Just kidding. But really.
That's what I want, it's been heavy on my heart that I have a certain fear of telling people about my relationship with God. Which is ridiculous when I really think about it because He has rocked my life, i would honestly be so lost and not have any hope without Him. Giving control of my life to Jesus Christ is the best decision I have ever made.
In Francis' sermon this morning he was talking about holy anguish. Now when someone is in anguish that is some serious stuff- it's what you call it when there isn't even words to describe how bad and awful you feel. When we're in anguish all we want is for it to stop. We want God to make it go away. So the thought process of- "Is there something I should be anguishing about and now?" is foreign. Why on earth would we WANT that? Yeah that's what I thought too. Thus why i was wide eyed propped up in bed this morning hanging onto ever word.
Francis told a story about a guy who was a well known atheist. Some guy was sharing the gospel with him and he politely told him, "I already know there isn't a God, but I didn't have a problem with him sharing what he believed. I have a problem with the people who DON'T share. How much do you have to hate someone to not tell them you have the only way to eternal life and you're headed to hell? I mean I don't believe it but how much do you have to hate someone? It doesn't make sense".
Wow. Yup there it was. How numb have I gotten to this reality? We like to think of God as a loving, forgiving, big pushover God. Now don't get me wrong, God is loving and forgiving, but where is the Righteous fear of him? People love the story and idea of Noah's ark, and the little animals going two by two on the ark. People paint it on their kid's nursery and are like, oh look there's the animals and God saved Noah's family, how cute.
How often do you see the people drowning in the water? Do we forget WHY there was a flood? Because the earth was so evil that God had to rid it of everyone except for the Noah and his family which were the only ones who believed in him.
There really is a hell, even though we don't like to think about it and why am I not taking this seriously. I'm praying for a huge change of heart and boldness. I want to be stretched and held accountable. If you're reading this and don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ, please ask me about it, I would love to tell you about my best friend and the good news of the gospel.
I love you Audrey!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and love and life with the world. I'm excited to read more. :)