Saturday, September 26, 2009

Not Just Another Day

what an absolutely beautiful day. the crisp morning air sends shivers down my arms while the sunshine warms my face. soft music welcomes the day as i sit comfortably in my "captains" chair at work, sipping on the enormous glass of water I'm bound to tackle. the echo of high heels on hardwood floors from next door rythmically drums the pace of the day. today is not just a Wednesday. it's not just another day that will be lost in the monotony of thousands of other days in my life. God did not create today just to be a "space filler" in the scheme of our lives. Today we are meant to love, to serve, to laugh, to fully trust that God has everything under control so we can live with a heart at rest. When we seek satisfaction or approval it is easy to become frustrated, hurt and..well, unsatisfied.We are not meant to be satisfied by anyone other than God and I forget this so often. But thank goodness his mercy is new every morning.
The soothing sound of the dove cooing outside of my office reminds me of the dove that showed up on Noah's boat holding the branch from the hope of a new start. we can let go of all of the regrets and hurt from the past and grasp on to the new start that Christ offers. too often i hold on to the past out of fear of reaching out to christ and the unknown. today though i choose to willingly let go and to trust. to live by faith instead of fear and bask in the sunshine of his joy and grace.
today will be a great da

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